Elena Pinskaya-Vakulenko: "The Secret Of Family Happiness Is In Respect For Each Other"

Elena Pinskaya-Vakulenko: "The Secret Of Family Happiness Is In Respect For Each Other"
Elena Pinskaya-Vakulenko: "The Secret Of Family Happiness Is In Respect For Each Other"

Video: Elena Pinskaya-Vakulenko: "The Secret Of Family Happiness Is In Respect For Each Other"

Video: Elena Pinskaya-Vakulenko:
Video: Как Баста Познакомился с Женой 2024, October

Basta's wife and mother of two beautiful daughters Elena Pinskaya-Vakulenko told BeautyHack about her attitude to beauty, about the rules of raising children and how Instagram photos differ from real life.


Care and beauty

I always say - you need to look natural and accept your appearance. We will all grow old, time cannot be stopped by any cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries - the more a person does them, the more he wants, and the less he accepts himself. There are many imperfections in me, but I try to accept myself as God made me. Of course, I'm not saying that you need to give up everything and stop caring for yourself. But, at the same time, I do not expect any miracles from cosmetics and procedures.

I do eyebrow correction, but I have a negative attitude to tattooing. I was, of course, lucky, I am a brunette. But the eyebrows still have to be tinted - it is better to do this with the help of cosmetics, because I have never seen a tattoo that is natural and beautiful. It is always visible.

I have been going to the same beautician for the procedures for many years - this is the sister of my close friend. I like the fact that she can stop me and dissuade me: "Lena, let's just a little bit, let's not." There are different periods, sometimes you want to change something in yourself - and she says that the less the better. Of the procedures I do, basically, only photorejuvenation. I have close vessels, and there is redness - this treatment is ideal for me. I do the procedure once a year, in winter, - small vessels become invisible, the pores become narrower, and a lifting effect is felt.

The skin has a certain supply of stem cells, and it is not infinite. If you constantly stimulate the skin to produce new cells, for example, with injections of hyaluronic acid or Botox, then this reserve can be exhausted ahead of time.

I always remember the TV series "Sex and the City" and the moment when Samantha was injected with Botox, and she said with a stone face: "I am very, very angry." I would not want to get to this point.

At home I use Phloretin CF serum from SkinCeuticals - my beautician recommended it to me. I have a mixed skin type - the T-zone tends to be oily, and the cheekbones are dry. This serum is just great for me - and noticeably tightens pores. I love Estée Lauder's Re-Nutriv Ultimate Diamond concentrate - it's based on silver, pearls and truffles. And he also has a very interesting jar, in which there are two different creams, and they should not mix with each other. But when applied to the skin, they work in tandem - a very cool product.

Now we have a heating season: there are batteries at home, air conditioning in the car, the weather outside is generally strange - all this greatly affects the skin. Therefore, I always put on some kind of moisturizer as much as possible. I really liked Chanel Hydra Beauty with granules - it moisturizes well. For some reason, it is cold all the time, and it is very pleasant to apply it. I never go to bed without washing off my makeup. At the moment, I am cleansing my skin with Origins Facial Cleansing Foam - you need very little of it and it does not dry out the skin.

I dye my hair once a month and do restorative procedures every two weeks. I really like L'Oréal paint - I have been going to one master for seven years now and hold on to him like a gold bar. I make cares from Kevin Murphy and Olaplex - the latter, by the way, is now widely spoken about, but my master is sure that not everyone has learned how to use these products so far.

I love Kevin Murphy's products - they have a very cool Texture Master volume spray. I spray it on the roots, squeeze the hair - it sticks together slightly and a very voluminous effect is obtained. And then there's Oribe's amazing Dry Styling Set. And I like both brands of hairsprays.


In everyday life, I practically do not make up - I love nude shades of lipsticks, although sometimes I can apply my favorite red Chanel lipstick. Recently, my husband and I were at the same event - I got there quite by accident, did not prepare at all and was in jeans and a white T-shirt, my hair was tied up in a ponytail. I had to urgently put myself in order, and I remembered that I had red lipstick in my car. This is the combination I like - red lipstick should be used carefully so as not to look vulgar.

My preferences in cosmetics are completely different. For example, now I really like the mascara from the collection that Victoria Beckham made for Estée Lauder. And my friend from Minsk advised me the Belarusian Luxvisage mascara for 200 rubles - now we are all hooked on it, it makes the eyelashes unreal. The brands like Chanel and Estée Lauder. By the way, Lena Motinova from Estée Lauder is my favorite makeup artist, she changed a lot in me. The fact is that I am a conservative, and Lena always finds some very important words so that I am not afraid to experiment. I'm practically plasticine in her hands, and it's great that she changes me, otherwise I would always look the same.

Lena tells me what new items to buy. For example, recently my husband was on a tour of America and I asked him to buy me Kevin Aucoin cosmetics. So she said: "Don't come back without her." He ran around New York, searched, and finally found. In general, 99% of my funds are from Estée Lauder. For example, the nude lipstick I'm currently wearing is Pure Color Envy Hi-Luster in Nude Reveal.

My youngest daughter will soon be five years old, and she constantly hears the words "blogger", "beauty blogger". Once she fell ill with chickenpox, we were sitting at home. She laid out her makeup and said, "Mom, I'm a sandwich." Well, here I am - a "sandwich" because I don't know much about cosmetics.

The less funds - the better, and the fewer cosmetic procedures - the better. I am for naturalness, for back to nude.


Once I saw a joke on Instagram: "How do you manage everything?" - "The fact of the matter is that I do not have time for anything." That's how it is with me. I get up early, at 7 in the morning, prepare breakfast for the children, pack the older one to school, then the younger one to the kindergarten. I go in for sports three times a week - usually somewhere in the park near my house, on the playground. In the summer I started doing fitness in the fresh air, and I am very pleased with it. Still, the feeling of training on the street is completely different - maybe because there is a lot of space. Now I work out with a trainer in my apartment and wait for the snow to get on cross-country skis. Classes with a professional are personally more effective for me, although recently I unexpectedly found myself doing burpees in Vienna. I just promised the coach that I would eat whatever I want, but I will not forget about training.

In general, I think that I was lucky with my figure - before the birth of my second child, I weighed 53 kilograms with a height of 170 centimeters. I ate for two, didn’t deny myself anything: a burger for the night, a chocolate bar, a cake. I don't know what happened next, but after the birth of Vasilisa, I constantly have to eat fractionally and limit myself to many goodies - and no sweets at night. In fact, what helps the most is simply not eating. I practically do not drink alcohol - a maximum of a glass of good wine in a good restaurant with good food. My father's wine trading company recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, so I'm used to drinking good wine, but I don't like strong drinks. Of course, I don't eat sausage, fried potatoes, hamburgers. I can afford a good blood steak or fish. I love seafood, especially since my cousin's girlfriend has the best fish restaurants in Moscow. She teaches me how to cook - now I even know how to make caramelized onions. It turned out to be not that difficult and rather fast! Three times a week we have fish for dinner - both children and Vasya love it. And in the morning I have porridge.

I went to Merano several times because of my own philosophy of food. Now many people are promoting too healthy food, they seem to me some kind of cyborg. It’s like a madhouse when you eat a cabbage leaf and try to force yourself to believe it’s delicious. No, it doesn't taste good. I want to eat the cake, not the cabbage leaf. But there were moments in my life when I really needed to lose ten kilograms. I began to reduce the number of calories and became nervous and angry, morally exhausted. Tormented myself and everyone around. At some point, my husband just came up to me and said: "Listen, you are very beautiful, I love you, please stop losing weight." Now I just try not to dissolve.

I often communicate with my followers on Instagram - sometimes young girls who are no more than twenty write to me that I have gained weight or have grown old. They do not yet understand, just as I once did not understand, that at a certain age there are changes in the figure, face, everything. I’m already 37 years old.

Previously, you could skip dinner, and already minus five kilograms - but this will not be so. It takes a lot of work on the body - and it's hard.

Of course, I admire those who have given birth to many children and retained an impeccable figure, who do not eat anything and exercise every day, and look happy. In fact, it's only in the photo on Instagram that everyone is perfect - and I am an opponent of this, I am for naturalness. I don't understand when they start constantly taking pictures and uploading photos of children. My children hate to be photographed, but I understand that I have no right to force them. What for? We do not want to build an ideal family "from the picture" out of ourselves, because this is not true. My husband and I have been together for ten years now, and we have different situations, like all people. Everyone thinks: "They never quarrel, he carries her in his arms, and she brings him breakfast in bed." No, this happens extremely rarely and more often in the cinema, especially when you have two children.


I am sure that the secret of family happiness lies in respect for each other. A woman should never humiliate a man, even if she does not agree with him. And a man must remain a man. Unfortunately, matriarchy reigns in our country. We have such women who will enter a burning hut and stop a galloping horse. Everyone on them! They take on the functions of a man, and make a rag out of a husband. They will knock on the table - as she said, so it will be. This is terrible because men are shallow. And then the same girls say: "What kind of men are they!" And the problem is in themselves - they do not allow men to feel like men.

I also have a Rostovite husband - hot blood. You will not be spoiled with him, you will not give yourself offense under any circumstances. And I am very grateful to him for that, because sometimes I want to lead, and character is not sugar. But I learned to be silent, to stop at the right moment. There are some boundaries, it's like a saucer - you break it and then you won't put it back together.

In general, I believe in God, and I believe that we are brought together by something from above.

Read classic literature: people are thrown by war, they go through such "meat grinders", but still stay together. I got married at 29, before that we lived together for two years, and I can say that this relationship developed naturally. As my grandmother used to say, there is a lid for every pot. Indeed, there are relationships when you try, do something - but nothing happens. And with us everything was so natural, everything went by itself. Therefore, I believe that some kind of providence exists.


I would like to be a strict mom, but it's so difficult. I am a very easygoing person - this is a good quality. In family life, it also helps a lot. Recently I read an interview with Maya Plisetskaya and Rodion Shchedrin. They were asked what the secret of their happy family life was, to which Rodion said: "Maya is very easygoing." Probably, this plays a role, especially when you live with a person who has a difficult character. It's the same with children.

I read the books of Julia Gippenreiter (Russian psychologist, author of books on family psychology - ed.) And realized that we, adults, forget that they are children. It is so difficult to control ourselves and understand that our children are not to blame for the fact that we are in a bad mood, that the child has the right to his opinion, because he is already a person. My children have a complex character, and I can already see it. And I don't want to break and rebuild it. In general, my main example is Vasya's mother. A woman who has an innate love for children. She is very kind, loves people - this quality is rarely found. This love spreads around her. This is not "I love you because you are talented, you learned a rhyme." Children must be loved unconditionally.

We are imperfect, and I am even more so, so why ask this of your children?

Masha is already eight years old, and she has her own clear opinion about what to wear. She chooses everything herself. And it's so strange - when she was little, I picked everything up for her myself, and now she may not like something. She can put on what looks completely strange - but it is difficult to find some words so as not to offend, but it is necessary to explain somehow! Children are like that. And the youngest daughter is generally very stubborn - she can go out into the street in a pink skirt and with a hat on her head. And try to convince her.

When the youngest daughter was born, the eldest was very jealous. They have a small age difference - only three years. I am not a mother hen, but I spent a lot of time with girls, I have a special bond with them. The literature on psychology helped to cope with this jealousy. We even went to a children's psychologist, because Masha was nervous, asked me to buy her black clothes and drew some horrors with black felt-tip pens. I breastfed Vasilisa, we slept in the same room - and it was simply difficult for Masha to experience that someone was closer to her mother than she was.

I must say that Vasya and the children are on good terms. In the family I was the only child and therefore I was afraid of small children. Vasya was a mother for Masha in the first months - he bathed her, showed me how to change a diaper. My mother used to say: "If Vasya could feed, he would probably also feed her." It was no longer the same with the second daughter. I was more savvy, and my husband was more busy. But, to be honest, Vasya is not a strict dad. The girls just twist ropes out of him, and he loves them very much. So, the strictest in our family is me.

Interview: Daria Sizova

Photographer: Eugene Sorbo

Elena Pinskaya makeup: Estée Lauder international makeup artist Elena Motinova

We express our gratitude to the Symposy restaurant for the help in organizing the interviews and filming
