Experts Have Deduced The Ideal Proportions Of The Female Body

Experts Have Deduced The Ideal Proportions Of The Female Body
Experts Have Deduced The Ideal Proportions Of The Female Body

Video: Experts Have Deduced The Ideal Proportions Of The Female Body

Video: Experts Have Deduced The Ideal Proportions Of The Female Body
Video: how to draw female torsos 2024, September

It is no secret that many girls and women, having seen enough of fashion magazines, are trying to adjust their parameters to the standards of beauty. These attempts often lead to the development of complexes and even depression. However, as it turned out, the saying that "a man is not a dog - he does not throw himself on the dice," found a scientific basis.


Mathematicians were able to make a mathematical calculation of the "coefficient of sex appeal". Professor of psychology at the University of Texas, John Kavustra, found out that in order for a woman to look attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex, she does not need to have parameters 90-60-90 and be taller than 170 cm.

It turned out that men are attracted not at all by the size of the bust or the length of the legs, but by the ratio of the roundness of the ladies. The ideal woman is one whose waist and hip proportions are between 0.6 and 0.72. It is important how evenly the fat is distributed over the body and whether there are enough curves in her figure. At the same time, the size of the bust of gentlemen is not very interested.

The stronger sex evaluates the figure of a woman in a complex, that is, not only the hips and waist, but height and weight. According to the data obtained, the body mass index (BMI) should be between 18 and 20 - this is the "coefficient of sex appeal" in the eyes of men is ideal. At the same time, most of the models do not reach it. Their BMI averages 17.57, or even less - 14.72.

To calculate your BMI, you should divide your body weight in kilograms by your height in meters, squared, remind the site and the publication "Speed-info".
