State Duma Deputy Proposed To Pay Doctors A Second Higher Education

State Duma Deputy Proposed To Pay Doctors A Second Higher Education
State Duma Deputy Proposed To Pay Doctors A Second Higher Education

Video: State Duma Deputy Proposed To Pay Doctors A Second Higher Education

Video: State Duma Deputy Proposed To Pay Doctors A Second Higher Education
Video: Навальные – интервью после отравления / The Navalniys Post-poisoning (English subs) 2024, September

State Duma Deputy Vasily Vlasov proposed to create special budget-funded places at universities, in which doctors who have already received higher education could study. In his opinion, this measure will increase interest in the specialty - doctors will be able to get another education in order to be able to work not only in medicine. The parliamentarian also believes that when the proposal is implemented, a reserve of trained physicians will appear in society who could work with patients in difficult situations, akin to a coronavirus pandemic.

The deputy pointed out in a letter addressed to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Valery Falkov that now Russia is experiencing a shortage of qualified medical personnel, which is especially acute in small settlements. In this regard, the authorities should develop measures that would encourage admission to medical specialties, Vlasov said.

“Such a measure could be the introduction of budget-funded places in universities for persons receiving a second higher education in medical specialties. For many, this opportunity will be decisive when choosing a second profession, given the high cost of training , - the letter says (quoted by RT).

According to the parliamentarian, the creation of budgetary places for doctors wishing to get a second higher education will create a reserve of medical personnel that can be used in case of emergencies.

Earlier, the State Duma supported the initiative of the Union of Consumers of Russia to make the passing of tests for coronavirus free of charge. As the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Yaroslav Nilov, said in an interview with the Daily Storm, the state will save much more money on a timely detected new case of coronavirus and isolation of the sick person than on delayed treatment.
