She Was Cute, But Now She Looks Like A Doll: Daria Pynzar Upset Fans With The Results Of Plastic Surgery

She Was Cute, But Now She Looks Like A Doll: Daria Pynzar Upset Fans With The Results Of Plastic Surgery
She Was Cute, But Now She Looks Like A Doll: Daria Pynzar Upset Fans With The Results Of Plastic Surgery

Former participant of "House-2" is confident in the need for plastic surgery


Daria Pynzar long ago left the longest-running TV project on TNT, but remains a media person and has become a successful businesswoman. In her personal Instagram account, Daria talked about the past torment with a double chin, which haunted the girl for many years and was visible at the first glance in the mirror. Pynzar's emotional recollections testify to the significance of this problem:

“Not a single device, not a single injection, no procedure helped me - on the contrary, unnecessary swelling appeared! This flowing double chin was literally pulling me down! How glad I am that I got rid of this complex and for two years now I have been admiring the precise jawline every day!"

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Daria noted that after the surgery it is not so important for her to “keep the weight”, because before the extra pounds were primarily reflected on the face. "I am not a supporter of diets at all - I love it when a girl is juicy!"

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Unfortunately, the fans did not appreciate the plastic efforts of Daria and her cosmetic surgeon: “They sit with the doctor, afraid to move, they look like mummies!”, “Why doesn't the miracle doctor improve himself?”, “Only two years have passed, and a new one is needed chin correction? And then what will happen? "," Dashulya, stop! I would never go to such a doctor."
