Traces Of Fatigue: Not Aging Yet, Not Youth Anymore

Traces Of Fatigue: Not Aging Yet, Not Youth Anymore
Traces Of Fatigue: Not Aging Yet, Not Youth Anymore

Video: Traces Of Fatigue: Not Aging Yet, Not Youth Anymore

Video: Traces Of Fatigue: Not Aging Yet, Not Youth Anymore
Video: One Peel For All Skin Types, All Skin Conditions & All Skin Colors. For Professional Estheticians! 2024, October

Fatigue is in the eyes


"How old is she? I thought she was much older!" - perhaps not a single woman would like to hear this phrase. But why do we sometimes look so much older than we should? These are the notorious "signs of fatigue." Irina Rodionova, a dermatocosmetologist of the "Cabinet of Aesthetic Medicine", refers to them as grayish skin, a fine mesh of wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. Indeed, when traces of fatigue touch the "mirror of the soul", it is impossible not to notice them.

According to Elena Razumovskaya, head physician of the Renaissance Cosmetology clinic, it is dark circles, sunken eyes, or a hernia of orbital tissue, which manifests itself in the form of swelling under the eyes, that give the face a tired look in the first place. The lowered corners of the lips do not make us attractive either. However, they do not give the face a tired look, but rather a sad one - and appear, according to Elena Alexandrovna, due to tissue ptosis, that is, their prolapse caused by age-related changes.

There are other facial features that can accentuate age. For example, oral wrinkles or the so-called "pouch" above the lip. But the nasolabial folds or crow's feet do not make the face very old. What's the secret? "These wrinkles convey the facial expressions of youth, kindness and a smile, and do not carry a negative charge," Elena Razumovskaya is convinced.

Women's skin ages earlier than men's, because:

- the production of their own collagen and elastin in women decreases much faster than in men; - women are more likely to go on diets - insufficient intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals leads to an accelerated reduction in the production of collagen and elastin, and therefore to intensive aging of the skin; - testosterone helps to secrete excess sebum, so men's skin is better protected from external negative factors than women's

The way of life is there

Does this mean that signs of fatigue do not depend on age? Cosmetologists are sure: you shouldn't sin on him. "Signs of fatigue on the face can indicate an improper lifestyle: excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and non-compliance with a normal sleep schedule - at least 8 hours," Irina Rodionova is convinced. "Hard work, lack of sleep, lack of rest, constant stress cause chronic fatigue syndrome. Together with the lack of care, this is reflected in the face," confirms Alla Yurieva, head physician of the Vis Vitalis aesthetic medicine center.

I wonder if skin type affects signs of fatigue? Partly yes. “Of course, those who have well-expressed fatty tissue and firm skin retain their fresh and" filling ", like a bull's-eye, longer. But thin skin will fade faster. It is more susceptible to external influences, which include infrared radiation and Do not forget that we are in heated rooms all winter, which affects the functioning of our cells and the production of hyaluronic acid, however, the same way as computers and cell phones "- emphasizes Elena Razumovskaya. It turns out that even the weather affects the appearance of signs of a "tired face". Irina Rodionova explains: "If the sun is outside the window, we want to smile more. And if the weather is gloomy, cloudy and it is raining, the biological clock starts working differently - and not in our favor."

It is possible to change the situation

Is it possible to hide fatigue and look fresh even after a sleepless night? It seems that today nothing is impossible in cosmetology - the only question is whether there is time to take care of yourself. If this is not a problem, Irina Rodionova recommends: in skin care, the first and most important rule is to use cosmetics specially designed for each type of skin, because the needs of dry and oily skin differ significantly. So, once or twice a week, you need to carry out a facial cleansing procedure, do superficial peeling, face massage, apply a moisturizing mask to the face, and finally - a cream according to skin type. You also need to give preference to hypoallergenic cosmetics, protect your skin from the sun and regularly visit a beautician.

There is another well-known and effective way to tone the skin - pour very cold water over your face. This procedure takes a minimum of time, which makes it indispensable before an important event, if it was not possible to prepare for it in advance. However, this method is effective for a very short time.

A more serious and prolonged result is provided by injection techniques - in particular, the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxins or a biorevitalization procedure. When correcting traces of fatigue, first of all, according to Alla Yuryeva, you need to pay attention to the nasolacrimal groove, which almost everyone who suffers from chronic fatigue has. Elena Razumovskaya adds to this the elaboration of the area around the eyes. “The periorbital zone is complex due to the presence of the eyeball in it,” she notes, “so it is important to accurately and correctly anatomically work with this area. This can be done with the help of hardware cosmetology, and with the help of injection techniques.”

The "golden ratio" is a harmonic proportion in which one part relates to another, as the whole is to the first part.

Other markers of age can be dealt with, which include age spots, spider veins, keratomas, and senile acanthosis. One of the most effective methods is laser processing, experts are convinced, even when it comes to spot processing. After getting rid of such "marks", the face will certainly look more aesthetically pleasing and younger.

Eyebrows play an important role in the question of a harmonious appearance of the face. But raised eyebrows are not always identical to youth, Elena Razumovskaya is convinced. If they really need to be lifted, she recommends doing it with botulinum toxin or fillers - if there is no excess skin and age allows. “For those who are ready for surgery, there is an endoscopic forehead lift, which does not so much work with the forehead area and wrinkles as it raises the eyebrows,” she notes. “The main thing is not to make the face worse than the original, created by nature, option. it is better not to enlarge the lips if there is a small distance from the nose to the upper lip. Maybe the lips will look amazing separately, but if you look at the face as a whole, this will only accentuate its imbalance - especially in combination with a large nose or if its tip is lowered …

Harmony of proportions

It is believed that over the years, a woman, like wine, only gets better. However, there are nuances that do not just spoil the appearance, but also add age - for example, incorrect proportions. “If a person has a very high forehead, there is nothing wrong with that, but a small chin or a very large nose always attracts attention,” explains Elena Razumovskaya. “It is important that the proportions of the face correspond to the“golden ratio”and“triangle of youth”- cheekbones should be wider than the lower part of the face."

In modern cosmetology, there are many injection and surgical methods that can make the face more harmonious. So, you can improve the proportions of the cheekbones or chin with fillers or implants. Elena Razumovskaya recalls: “As you know, you can introduce fillers for the purpose of fitting - for several years. And only after that, if the patient has a desire, it is possible to place the implant in the desired area for a longer period. But in my practice, there were cases when, on the contrary, patients with implants inserted into the chin area required correction with fillers - due to the fact that this implant changed its position 8-10 years after the operation."

Time that is useless for the skin

The period from 3 to 5 pm is characterized by a decrease in almost all functions in the body. This also applies to the skin. At this time, her cells become less sensitive and do not perceive cosmetics, so masks, peels and other procedures will bring much more benefit if they are done at different intervals.
