Out Of Season: What Beauty Procedures Are Better Not To Do In The Summer

Out Of Season: What Beauty Procedures Are Better Not To Do In The Summer
Out Of Season: What Beauty Procedures Are Better Not To Do In The Summer

Video: Out Of Season: What Beauty Procedures Are Better Not To Do In The Summer

Video: Out Of Season: What Beauty Procedures Are Better Not To Do In The Summer
Video: One Woman Gets 15 Cosmetic Procedures in 12 Months | Vogue 2024, September

Together with Sergei Barsukov, a dermatovenerologist and cosmetologist of the Romanov beauty and health center, we prescribed interventions that would be better postponed for another season.

To begin with, it should be clarified that the seasonality of cosmetic services is a conditional thing. By summer, we mean the period of active insolation, that is, the time when the effect of the ultraviolet spectrum of the sun's rays on our skin is stronger than in other periods. It is about these very rays that we must remember and take into account their rather high aggressiveness in relation to our skin. Speaking of aggressiveness, ultraviolet light can not only reduce skin hydration (deprive it of tone due to moisture loss), but also destroy collagen and elastin fibers, and reduce the concentration of hyaluronic acid, the main moisturizing component. In addition, it can cause skin pigmentation disorders, and the most dangerous thing is to provoke oncological diseases, for example, melanoma.

Based on all this, it is important to understand that a number of procedures can exaggerate the damaging effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. All of them, to one degree or another, are associated with a decrease in the barrier function or with an increase in sensitivity to UV rays.


Mechanical influences include procedures such as microdermabrasion and ultrasonic peeling, as well as all kinds of scrubs (including at home). The fact is that any mechanical damage increases the sensitivity of the skin to the sun, since the main function of the epidermis is protection from any aggressive factors, including ultraviolet rays.


You should also refrain from all kinds of chemical peels, as well as care and therapeutic procedures using photosensitizing components (for example, retinoids and vitamin A). Chemical peels and other influences of this kind damage the top layer to varying degrees. And with the protection of the skin from the sun, this also does not fit at all.


These include all photo and laser procedures. And yes, even procedures such as photorejuvenation or fractional laser peeling, which are sometimes prescribed just to combat hyperpigmentation, can provoke it in the summer. Although these interventions are relatively imperceptible, the sensitivity of the skin increases afterwards: since in the process invisible structures (hair follicles, skin vessels) are damaged, which causes microinflammation. Inflamed skin is especially sensitive to ultraviolet light (in cosmetology there is even a term "post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation").
