They Almost Burned Like Zhanna D'Arc: 44-year-old Volochkova - About The Dangerous Situation On The Set Of The Video

They Almost Burned Like Zhanna D'Arc: 44-year-old Volochkova - About The Dangerous Situation On The Set Of The Video
They Almost Burned Like Zhanna D'Arc: 44-year-old Volochkova - About The Dangerous Situation On The Set Of The Video

Video: They Almost Burned Like Zhanna D'Arc: 44-year-old Volochkova - About The Dangerous Situation On The Set Of The Video

Video: They Almost Burned Like Zhanna D'Arc: 44-year-old Volochkova - About The Dangerous Situation On The Set Of The Video
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Professional risk is an integral part of the acting path.


Anastasia Volochkova shared a vivid video and equally vivid impressions of his filming. In the course of a bold plot, staged with the active participation of photographer Elena Galitsyna, Anastasia had to work next to an open fire. The ballerina herself sits just a few meters away from the flames in a clearly combustible interior and a fluffy tulle dress. Tulle flashes instantly, there is practically no point in extinguishing it.

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Of course, strict safety precautions must be followed when working with fire. Let it be out of sight of cameras, but it is necessary to keep fire extinguishers ready - not on the walls or in the back rooms, but in the hands of skilled personnel. However, accidents accompany any creative process - when filming Volochkova's video, such an accident almost became fatal.

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Anastasia said that during the filming she got entangled in pointe shoes in a lush tulle, tried to keep her balance, but still fell. And the flame - here it is, next to it! Comparison with Zhanna d'Arc is somewhat exaggerated, yet no one tied the ballerina and the singer to a pile of logs. But falling into the fire could have extremely deplorable consequences, which, fortunately, were avoided.

Volochkova is sure that "for the sake of a beautiful story and a new song, it was worth the risk." Every fan of her will be able to make sure of this after the premiere of the video "One".
