Little Tricks Against Big Bust: How To Dress For A First Date

Little Tricks Against Big Bust: How To Dress For A First Date
Little Tricks Against Big Bust: How To Dress For A First Date

Video: Little Tricks Against Big Bust: How To Dress For A First Date

Video: Little Tricks Against Big Bust: How To Dress For A First Date
Video: How To Dress Well Big Bust | 10 Outfits 2024, September

Ladies prepare for the first date much more thoroughly than men. You need to please, leave an indelible or at least a favorable impression. But how? You can, of course, wear a blouse with a deep neckline and a miniskirt to boot. Such a bold "outfit" will certainly attract attention. Is it just

which do you need?

A woman in a revealing outfit looks in the eyes of a man, as a rule, easily accessible. If you “go from the opposite direction” and, conversely, hide all the attractive forms under bulky shapeless clothes, you risk giving the impression of a boring “nerd”. How should you try to look in order to leave the image of a “desired object” from the first minute, and not a “vulgar person”, says sexologist Vitaly AZUROV.

Women have tried to attract the attention of men since time immemorial. Pretty jewelry, fluffy skirts that accentuate the hips, and, of course, a cutout on the chest to show a seductive bust are the most common tricks. But sometimes a man pays attention to a seemingly inconspicuous girl. In theory, she cannot attract either with frank outfits or inviting forms, but she is still surrounded by fans. What is her secret?

“Every man has his own taste. Often this is associated with the image of a mother or some kind of actress, whom she really liked as a child, - says Vitaly AZUROV. - Over time, a certain type is formed, and if you fall under it, half the job is done! But sometimes something completely different can attract his attention. How does the damsel achieve this? She uses her little tricks."


Specialist comment: “One of the main stereotypes that“walks”in our society: the first thing that a man will pay attention to is the breast,” says Vitaly AZUROV. - In many ways, this stereotype corresponds to reality. Moreover, large breasts arouse interest immediately. If a woman has a fifth size, it is he who will first of all attract the man's gaze. Some scientists have even put forward a hypothesis: the larger the breasts, the more desirable a woman. This is due to the fact that large mammary glands contain a fairly significant percentage of fat cells, which means that it will not be difficult for her to feed future hypothetical offspring.

Another German scientist found that the depth of the cut in women's clothing depends on the proportion of men in the city. When she decreases (for example, during a war), the competition between women increases, and she opens her breasts, wanting to get a partner. But now, fortunately, it is not a war, so I would not advise ladies who are going on a date to focus on cleavage or tight things, especially if you have a breast size from the fourth and above. You run the risk of being labeled as a "sexual object" and nothing more. Another important point: in society it is not customary to look at women's charms for a long time, this goes beyond the bounds of decency. As a result, the man finds himself in a dead end: on the one hand, there is a chest in front of him in a deep cleavage, on the other, one cannot look at it. This contradiction is annoying, and this is clearly not the effect that a woman seeks to achieve on a first date.

And, by the way, the “law of the breast” also works in the opposite direction: if you completely hide its presence under the shapeless “oversized” clothes, then on an intuitive, biological level, a man may doubt the desire to continue acquaintance (perhaps there is no bust at all? will feed?). It is best to wear clothes in a size that would emphasize the outlines of forms, but no more."


Specialist comment: “Another part of the female body that has always enjoyed attention is the buttocks, and again, nature is to blame for everything! - says Vitaly AZUROV. - Researchers recently announced that they had discovered the secret of why men like the buttocks. It turns out that women who have a 45-degree bend in the spine are more likely to have a successful pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, for good heredity, not only the deflection of the lower back is important, but also the elasticity of the muscles in the pelvic region. Developed muscles indicate that a woman has the strength necessary to carry and give birth to a healthy child. As in the case of breasts, excessive emphasis on the buttocks with tight leggings signals to the man that you are ready to conceive, which means that the reproductive instinct turns on, you are evaluated as an object for sex. It is extremely difficult for a man to "switch" to normal sanity in such conditions. Therefore, proceed in the same way as with the chest: indicate that there are buttocks. It can be tight jeans, and a pencil skirt, but not oversized pants that hide absolutely everything."

Many are famous for their ability to "drive crazy" a man, making his eyes. How do they do it?


Commentary of a specialist: “If a man appreciated your body parts at a distance, just approaching you, then close - when communicating and meeting - the first thing he will pay attention to is the eyes. More precisely, a glance, - says Vitaly AZUROV. - To interest a man, do not speak downcast, do not take your eyes clear. As a rule, a person who hides his eyes when talking, gives the impression of a "liar". But too long a gaze is also undesirable. This can cause a subconscious assessment of him as aggression, a kind of challenge, to which the man will react in a completely different way than you would like. Be careful with “sexy and“undressing”looks: what a man can afford does not always suit a woman. A girl who “undresses with her eyes” can even cause fear and a desire to retire.

To pique his interest, look confidently, attentively, and kindly, but not for long. Take your time to move your gaze to other objects, and then return to the interlocutor again. Well, if a man is at some distance from you and you are not yet familiar, but would like to, then the look is the woman's main weapon. Look at him intently and attentively, without looking away for several seconds, wait for him to also look at you, and then hold your gaze for another second - eye to eye - and refocus your gaze, looking "through" him, to make an impression, that you are looking into the distance so that he begins to doubt, but did you notice him at all?"

Long-haired ladies, according to scientists' statistics, are easier to get to know the opposite sex. What's the secret?


Specialist comment: “Long hair of a woman as a sign of attractiveness was noted by the famous psychologist Carl Jung. It was he who defined the long-haired woman as an “archetype” embedded in the subconscious and transmitted at the genetic level,”says sexologist Vitaly AZUROV. - Hair is not just a natural decoration, it is also a blanket to wrap up children and protect them from all bad things. That is why girls with chic hair are associated with femininity, but with short ones, on the contrary, with brutality. But whatever the hair, the main thing is that it is clean, well-groomed and without gray hair. It is not necessary to grow them to the buttocks, the length below the shoulders is enough to generate interest. In the process of talking with a man, touch your hair: fix your hair, remove the stray strand. But do not overdo it, do not do it for show. As for the hairstyle, any "tricky" perm with a lot of layers will make a man feel awkward and confused. One may get the impression that a woman has been preparing for a meeting for too long, and a man must necessarily “justify” the hopes placed on him."


One of the sexiest "lures" for a woman, who is always in sight, is her lips. Why are they suddenly designated as an object of sexual attraction?

Specialist comment: “Plump lips are a signal for a man that a woman has reached puberty and is ready for a relationship,” explains Vitaly AZUROV. - Their volume is influenced primarily by the hormone estrogen, which begins to be produced in a woman's body from the moment of puberty until menopause. This is now actively used by cosmetologists, artificially increasing the lips of their clients, sometimes to unrealistic sizes. But what's most interesting is that size doesn't really matter! Even small lips can be plump, which means they are able to cope with their function and inform a man that "everything is fine with me." By the way, according to the results of all the same studies, too large lips do not cause sexual desire. It is not surprising, such "honey traps" are not in harmony with the face. Ideal volume if it occupies no more than 10 percent of the lower third of the face, and this can be achieved with the help of decorative cosmetics."
