Stas Mikhailov Spoke About Plastic Surgery, Botox Injections, Hair Transplant Operations And Weight Loss

Stas Mikhailov Spoke About Plastic Surgery, Botox Injections, Hair Transplant Operations And Weight Loss
Stas Mikhailov Spoke About Plastic Surgery, Botox Injections, Hair Transplant Operations And Weight Loss

Video: Stas Mikhailov Spoke About Plastic Surgery, Botox Injections, Hair Transplant Operations And Weight Loss

Video: Stas Mikhailov Spoke About Plastic Surgery, Botox Injections, Hair Transplant Operations And Weight Loss
Video: Common questions about Hair Transplant Surgery by Citihealth 2024, September

The 51-year-old popular singer Stas Mikhailov, who has changed a lot in recent years, has revealed his secrets of beauty and masculinity.

“When they say that I inject Botox or had plastic surgery like Demi Moore, I find it funny. Where do people get it from? Look at me, who understands … What kind of Botox do I have ?! If I smile, everything moves. I made the hair, but the hair is mine. I have done three hair transplant operations. Three or four years ago in Germany - a year for the operation it was possible. Outwardly, it may have changed me, and let go of my beard. I didn't do anything else with myself. When Botox became popular, I tried it once and said, "Thanks, no more." It was painful! Why is this needed? And that's where we finished,”said the artist in an interview with the Super channel.

Stas Mikhailov admitted that he takes care of his appearance, but does it without fanaticism: “Any person should take care of himself. It is unlikely that women want to go to bed with a dirty, unkempt person. But there must be a golden mean, without extremes. For example, when I get a manicure, I cannot sit there for more than twenty minutes. I just need everything to be done neatly. I'm an artist, I have to take care of myself, look good, be cleanly dressed … It's natural."

The performer also explained how he lost weight: “When you start doing" iron ", you loose weight, but, on the contrary, you swing. I don’t follow the weight as a whole, I have it for years. When I first started practicing, I weighed over a hundred kilograms. Now I have lost 10-12 kilograms, now I weigh about 88. I feel comfortable and comfortable in it. When I’m very thin, I don’t like myself anymore. I work out in the gym, ride a bike, walk on the track, I like different physical activities."

By the way, Stas Mikhailov recently contracted a coronavirus, which he spoke about in detail. Now the artist feels good. “Surprisingly, there was no cough at all. Pneumonia can be transmitted by airborne droplets, and, most likely, I contracted this way,”said the artist and recommended everyone to take care of themselves, take care of their health, immediately call an ambulance and do a CT scan of the lungs at the first signs of illness.

Photo and video: Instagram
