Eyelid Lift And Botox Injections: The Changed Fakhriye Evgen Is Suspected Of Plastic Surgery

Eyelid Lift And Botox Injections: The Changed Fakhriye Evgen Is Suspected Of Plastic Surgery
Eyelid Lift And Botox Injections: The Changed Fakhriye Evgen Is Suspected Of Plastic Surgery

Video: Eyelid Lift And Botox Injections: The Changed Fakhriye Evgen Is Suspected Of Plastic Surgery

Video: Eyelid Lift And Botox Injections: The Changed Fakhriye Evgen Is Suspected Of Plastic Surgery

"Doctors" among the commentators decided that the actress had health problems.


In a recent publication of the Turkish edition of Sabah, there was a discussion of new photos that the famous actress Fahriye Evcen posted on her Instagram page. The artist is known to the Russian audience for her participation in the films "Kinglet - Singing Bird" and "My Brother". In the pictures, the celebrity appeared at home, sitting on a carpet with her hair down and light makeup. Fans of the actress, in love with her image, left comments full of confessions and admiration: "I love you, Fakhriye", "The most beautiful queen!" But not all subscribers shared the delight of the girl's appearance.

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Some were perplexed to notice the changes in the artist's face. There were speculations that Evgen had an eyelid lift and Botox injections. As fans say, this did not go to the benefit of the girl, who automatically added several years to her appearance. Among the fans, there were also "doctors" who believe that bags under the eyes and puffiness are an indicator of kidney problems, and not at all the result of cosmetic procedures. Despite the controversial statements, the majority agreed that the figure of the actress had clearly changed. Fakhriye herself chose not to take part in the dispute and did not respond to comments.
