Old People Make Themselves Old People

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Old People Make Themselves Old People
Old People Make Themselves Old People

Video: Old People Make Themselves Old People

Video: Old People Make Themselves Old People
Video: Funny Old People Fails: Best Fails Compilation | FailArmy 2024, September

She became a model despite her age. And I learned the main secret of youth.

Working pensioners are not uncommon in Russia. Probably because work for them is not a hobby or a luxury, but a means of survival. For the same reason, not everyone experiences pleasure from work, and even from life as such. But there are pleasant exceptions to this sad rule. Irina Belysheva is not only a working pensioner, but also a happy person who lives in the present. Despite her age, Irina is a popular model and an active critic of the concept of old age. She is sure that in our time this concept exists only to justify human ignorance and laziness. Irina Belysheva told Lente.ru about this and how to stay young at any age.

"Lenta.ru": Until recently, it was believed that the modeling business is the very place where the elderly do not belong. And now even special agencies have appeared for older models. How do you like the idea of Igor Gavar's agency "Oldushka"?

Belysheva: While quantum genetics and quantum psychology are developing abroad, which generally suggest a revolution in understanding the topic of aging, or rather, question its very existence, in our country young people who should have a broad outlook look at everything through the eyes of old people from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Here is Igor Gavar with his agency "Oldushka". The name itself and, accordingly, the banner of this enterprise was chosen incorrectly. After all, enthusiastic young girls write to Igor about how they want to grow old as soon as possible and get to him. Here everything is already turned upside down. "It's beautiful to grow old!" - can you imagine even more idiocy than such a motto?

From what?

I have not yet seen someone who would be prettier from old age. No one has yet been adorned with hypertension, angina pectoris, senile sclerosis, diabetes and so on. But what I want to say: old age arises from ignorance and laziness. It is necessary to throw out the very idea that old age is inevitable, and "Oldushka" is wonderful.

But there are some objective processes …

When I left the oncology center eleven years ago, I decided to purposefully take care of my health. It turned out that you can do fitness with a Hollywood trainer and in a month and a half to enter the rhythm of this activity, to feel tremendous pleasure and joy in the whole body. I decided to share it with my friend, with whom we were engaged in artistic gymnastics at the university. What did she say to me? That he wants to live for his own pleasure, and physical exercise is torment. And now I see in her a heavy old woman who is leaning on a stick and dragging her leg behind her. This is my friend who was so active, athletic and energetic!

You can despise me, you can shower me with tomatoes, but old people make themselves old people. This is a deliberate choice that can be made at a young age, when suddenly people start living yesterday, stop moving, and go in for sports. And what to do about it? Teach people to love themselves.

People will object to you - they will say that their life is not sugar, they are not up to sports …

It is necessary to throw out the word "old age" everywhere. When you admit the thought of aging, then you already succumb to decline, you begin to live out, not live. There are twenty scientific theories of aging, and each has an antidote. But either they do not know about this - this is ignorance, or they do nothing, even if they do know - this is out of laziness.

It can be seen that you are an educated person. What did you do before retirement? Where did you study?

I was born in Moscow, studied at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University at the department of Academician Tselikov, our famous metallurgist. It was a very diverse environment, not like Berkeley, where alumni are valued for their connections in certain circles. And I was lucky: I got into a group where half of the guys were medalists. After college I worked at Stalproekt, then my classmate assembled a small design bureau and invited me to his place - at NIIchermet. From there I left when the Soviet Union began to fall apart. The cuts started, and I asked the boss to cut me too. I got a good severance pay.

And then I went to courses for entrepreneurs, where I studied marketing, management, psychology, typing and much more. Then she became an assistant to a deputy and every day she came to the 13th floor of the State Duma, looked out the window and saw the state flag turning pale, fading in the sun. In recent years, she worked as a realtor. Actually, even now I sometimes do the same.

When did the modeling business start?

Two years ago. In July 2016 she graduated from the Zaitsev School of Models.

How did you get there?

I found out that this school is being recruited. I learned what the requirements are for the models. She came with full gear at the appointed time - heels, a dress this and that, with a swimsuit. Calling the headmaster. She said: “What are you doing! We only recruit girls from five to eight years old and girls from 18 to 26. And what have you got to do with it? I answered that I needed.

How did you come up with the idea to climb the podium?

I understand that my way of life differs from the one accepted in Russian society, where many people do not respect themselves all because of the same Marxism-Leninism, where self-love, self-care is perceived as a bad form. For so many years I have been investing in myself the qualities that are positive and necessary for the model, that in the end it all burst out like a fountain. By itself. After all, I do Pilates every day, not two taps - three kicks, but right up to a sweat. And I do a lot of other things that are inherent in a self-respecting woman.

And what about Zaitsev?

Well, in the end, Yegor Zaitsev gave an order to study with me individually. Each lesson lasted an hour and a half, defile and other modeling disciplines. Moreover, other girls have group sessions of the same duration. How long does each of them manage to walk the podium? And here I am alone - under the watchful gaze of a mentor.

I treated these studies as if if I succeeded I would receive a Nobel Prize. All exercises were repeated at home on a timer. And I also asked my neighbor, who lives on the floor below, to come and take pictures of me on camera in order to revise later and identify shortcomings.

I was still studying, and the Zaitsev model agency had already sent me to work. Then my first fashion shows took place at the "Fashionable Sentence". Then they began to invite me to various shootings. I was still in awe, but my talent, with the assistance of experienced mentors, was revealed. Confidence came.

When older people try to behave or look like young people, it often causes laughter: a ridiculous attempt to return yesterday …

Beauty is health that has come out. It should be natural and individual. And what you are talking about is bad taste, which does not depend on age.

Health is sometimes a big problem even for young people

Yes, but this is largely due to Russian medicine. If the doctors cut off everything they were going to, I would not talk to you now. In Russia, medicine for the time being has developed quite successfully. There was such a concept as a zemstvo doctor. He was engaged in healing people - that is, returning their body to integrity. After the October Revolution, our state adopted a different concept of medicine - the German one, when each specialist deals with the treatment of a separate organ. Now there is a specialist for each pimple, and he treats it without noticing the rest of the body. As a result, there are more and more patients.

In Israel, there was once a two-week strike of doctors, during which time the death rate there dropped by 30 percent.

We have such queues to see specialists that such work does not differ much from a strike

Modern Western medicine has coped with epidemics and, as it were, overshadowed alternative medicine with this achievement. People no longer die from disease in entire cities, life expectancy has doubled. But now this medicine simply slows down further development, especially our domestic one. It seems that our doctors are afraid of expulsion due to ignorance of historical materialism and Marxism-Leninism.

Our conversations about the health of pensioners are tied to the discussion of the number of hospitals and beds, free medicines, and so on. But no one is talking about the need to care about water quality and proper nutrition.


Irina Belysheva's Facebook page

Are we what we eat?

Exactly. And now even ordinary ice cream in its composition becomes essentially a poisonous substance. Some products require warnings to be written like cigarettes. On sweet soda, for example.

A healthy body is 80 percent water, and the quality of the water consumed is of paramount importance. And we often replace clean water with these incomprehensible drinks … Even water from office coolers is not an option.

Where is the exit?

The inquisitive Japanese have established that the water should be alkaline with a Ph level of 8. This is highly structured water. You've probably seen the movie about water, where molecules line up in a perfect snowflake.

Older people, unlike babies, are already 70 percent water, and the brain is most dehydrated. This process affects intellectual abilities and, therefore, the quality of life. That is why many old people use push-button phones and do not understand why Instagram is needed.

Seriously, we need a government correct water program. From my own experience, I have seen how difficult it is to convince people of the need to carefully approach what and when you drink.

Where to get the right water?

I use filtered water that is treated with Japanese coral. There is enough information on the Internet about this. Such water, in addition to being alkaline, has the required redox potential, surface tension is a parameter that affects how water penetrates into the cells of the body.

But besides water, I had and still have a clear motivation for mastering social networks, which people sometimes lack. Here my neighbors went to computer literacy courses, but it didn’t give them anything. Maybe just a pleasant feeling that they are going somewhere, busy with something.

What is your motivation?

After my success on the podium, people, seeing my photos on social networks, began to ask for advice: what to eat, how to look after themselves, and so on. My experience would hardly have been so in demand, if not for the share of popularity. And it is extremely important for any person to be able to share useful knowledge and skills with others.

What can you say about retirement - how dependent are you on it?

There is passive income, a penny for a piece of bread and rent for an apartment. But in general, all this talk about retirement … When I came to work after college, next to me was a woman, my contemporary. She came almost every day and said with a heavy sigh: "I would rather retire." You see, hating your job is bad for your health. When a person's professional activity is also his favorite hobby, then what kind of pension can we talk about?

The same can be said about health: if a person lives consciously and values life, he turns food into medicine, and not vice versa. In our country, many, if not most, perceive the diet as something boring and disgusting, they say, chia seeds and sprouted buckwheat are disgusting, and happiness is a shashlik with cognac.

Are you thinking about death?

Our thoughts are much more material phenomena than we think. And it so happens that a person dies due to the fact that he already has a certain thirst for death, a focus on it. As for my attitude to death … I went through several meditations with the head of the Institute of Reincarnation Maris Dreshmanis and his students. It is very effective. You remember past lives, you see everything is real, like in a movie. It turned out that dying is not scary at all.

Do you have children, grandchildren?

No. I made this choice. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I had many children in one of my past lives. And she was associated with a lot of losses and worries.

Sex life is an important characteristic of quality of life. In our country, sex is perceived as an occupation exclusively for young people …

This is the same Marxism-Leninism - the conviction of the collective consciousness. Why did Moses lead the Jews through the desert for forty years? That the generation that remembered slavery died out. Thus, in forty years we will have everything. But, again, a lot depends on health and the quality of relationships between people. If a couple lives with each other just because they have a common apartment, this is one thing. And if they maintain mutual love, then they can have sex for up to a hundred years.

But now, as many believe, we are moving back - to Soviet traditions and Orthodox values

It is important to understand that our society is not homogeneous. You can join one or another stratum where people are united by their worldview and way of life. For example, there are vegans, raw foodists. They arrange amazing festivals, none of which I, however, have yet to come because of the filming. Nevertheless, I follow them on social media. These are happy people, and they are raising the same happy children who are not drilled, who are not yelled at.

There is another community as well. Go to the playground and you will see a fat mother there, shouting to the child: "Don't run, don't jump." She does not take care of herself, and neither does she. Accordingly, these guys grow up as passive as their parents. Everyone chooses where he goes.
