A Popular Female Procedure Nearly Deprived A Client Of A Beauty Salon Of Sight

A Popular Female Procedure Nearly Deprived A Client Of A Beauty Salon Of Sight
A Popular Female Procedure Nearly Deprived A Client Of A Beauty Salon Of Sight

Video: A Popular Female Procedure Nearly Deprived A Client Of A Beauty Salon Of Sight

Video: A Popular Female Procedure Nearly Deprived A Client Of A Beauty Salon Of Sight
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The British woman went to a beauty salon for a popular procedure and shared the dire consequences. Writes about this Metro.

Ellie Goddard-Hyden, 18, told reporters how she went to a specialist to correct and dye her eyebrows. According to the girl, there was no discomfort during the procedure, however, a few hours after the session, she began to experience severe itching in the area of the eyes.

The day after visiting the beautician, Hayden's eyebrows turned red and covered with purulent blisters. In addition, the girl could not open her eyes due to pain, and her vision began to deteriorate. “It was the worst moment in my life. I became very scared and I started calling my mother for help,”she complained.

The victim went to the emergency room, where doctors diagnosed her with chemical burns. The doctors prescribed her antihistamines and recommended washing her wounds with salt water. As a result, Hayden lost 90 percent of her eyebrow hair. “The nurses said that I might have lost my sight,” she added.

According to the heroine of the material, the master disrupted the sequence of actions when dyeing the eyebrows: the specialist first removed unwanted hair with wax, and then applied the paint. Thus, the chemical composition of the agent penetrated into the client's injured skin and caused inflammation.

Representatives of the beauty salon offered Hayden to reimburse the cost of the procedure, but she refused the offered money and filed a lawsuit against the master, demanding compensation in the amount of two thousand pounds (200 thousand rubles). However, the girl did not manage to get the money, since the salon went bankrupt and closed.

Earlier in January, a Russian woman came to an experienced doctor for plastic surgery and suffered at the hands of a graduate student. A resident of Novosibirsk, Tamara, underwent blepharoplasty and was unhappy with the result of the procedure: in one eye, due to tight skin, her eyelid turned out. Later it turned out that the operation was performed not by the surgeon of her choice, but by a graduate student of the clinic.
