The Best Are Getting Old: Matthew McConaughey And His Wife Disappointed With Their Appearance

The Best Are Getting Old: Matthew McConaughey And His Wife Disappointed With Their Appearance
The Best Are Getting Old: Matthew McConaughey And His Wife Disappointed With Their Appearance

Video: The Best Are Getting Old: Matthew McConaughey And His Wife Disappointed With Their Appearance

Video: The Best Are Getting Old: Matthew McConaughey And His Wife Disappointed With Their Appearance
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Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey appeared on the Oscar red carpet with a beaming smile and good humor in the company of his wife Camila Alves. But their appearance distracted even from the beautiful outfits - the network noticed that the couple had grown very old.


Matthew is one of those charismatic actors who, it seems, are not afraid of age, but at the Oscars, Internet users sadly noted that McConaughey is not the same. Of course, his charm will still give odds to anyone, but wrinkles and gray hair already betray age. In addition, the actor clearly would not hurt to shave before the award.

And if Matthew is 48 years old, then at least his 36-year-old wife should delight the eye with beauty and youth, but she also did not look the best way. And if her princess-style dress is praised, then her makeup and hair are not. Camila seemed to have turned gray.

Internet users noted with sadness the age-related changes of the spouses. “Getting old right together” “How can you grow old so dramatically! Stop, time.”“So the best are getting old. Soon they will begin to die. At such moments you wonder how old you are.”“What's with her hair? They seem to be gray! And the eyebrows? Who painted it? " “Looks like he's the same age.” “He's on a positive note. I could have shaved and combed my hair, but he's the type, I'm so cool."

Matthew really had a good mood all evening: he joked a lot and talked with colleagues. And all because, unlike some, he was not threatened with excitement from the unknown, he went up on stage only to present the award.

On her Instagram before the award, Camila recalled their joint release in 2014. The network was only upset by this: how could it have changed so much in 4 years.

The triumphant of the 90th Oscar ceremony was Guillermo del Toro. His "The Shape of Water" received the main statuette, and Del Thoreau himself received a director's award.
