Breaking Bad: The Weird And Unexpected Beauty Secrets Of Hollywood Stars

Breaking Bad: The Weird And Unexpected Beauty Secrets Of Hollywood Stars
Breaking Bad: The Weird And Unexpected Beauty Secrets Of Hollywood Stars

Video: Breaking Bad: The Weird And Unexpected Beauty Secrets Of Hollywood Stars

Video: Breaking Bad: The Weird And Unexpected Beauty Secrets Of Hollywood Stars
Video: STRANGER TRIES TO KIDNAP KIDS AT THE PARK Ep.1 | The Prince Family Clubhouse 2024, September

For the sake of their own beauty, women are ready to go to great lengths, and this is especially true for celebrities. Today, with the help of cosmetics alone, you can make a full-fledged beauty out of any girl, which was not available in past centuries. The experts told what beauty secrets were used by Hollywood stars of the 20th century. Marilyn Monroe The sex symbol of the 50s of the last century, Marilyn Monroe undoubtedly had her own beauty secrets, one of which was the application of 5 shades of lipstick to make her lips look more plump. She is also considered one of the first to undergo plastic surgery, namely by inserting an implant into the chin, softening its shape.


Marlene Dietrich To stay beautiful as she grew older, Marlene Dietrich began to use surgical tape and did her own facelifts. The actress hid the traces of using this tape under clothes and hair, which she gave a special shine with the help of gold paint.

Joan Crawford Hollywood actress Joan Crawford tried to make her chin more contoured with chewing gum. She also tried to keep her face youthful by washing it with ice water almost 25 times a day.

Coffee and Cigarettes Judy Garland became famous thanks to the film "The Wizard of Oz", but for the sake of fame and love of the public, the girl had to sacrifice her health. The 16-year-old actress smoked 80 cigarettes daily and drank strong coffee to reduce her appetite and lose weight, and to maintain her strength she ate chicken soup. Eyebrows Girls began to shave off their eyebrows at the beginning of the last century, and the most famous of them is Jean Harlow. Thin eyebrows were a feature of the image of this actress, who shaved off her real eyebrows or plucked them out with tweezers, and then drew a thin curved line in this place. Hanging upside down For the sake of preservation of youth, Fanny Ford regularly stood upside down and this helped her to slow down aging. According to yoga gurus, inverted asanas are considered longevity poses for a reason. Lip augmentation Gloria Graham managed to enlarge her lower lip without resorting to the services of a surgeon, simply placing a piece of cotton wool under it. This made the lip look plump, but this method had many disadvantages. Audrey Hepburn's eyelashes are distinguished by an attractive look and this is the merit of her makeup artist. After applying mascara, he manually separated each eyelash one by one to make them fluffier.
