How To Sleep So As Not To Get Up With A Rumpled Face: 8 Tips To Help

How To Sleep So As Not To Get Up With A Rumpled Face: 8 Tips To Help
How To Sleep So As Not To Get Up With A Rumpled Face: 8 Tips To Help

Video: How To Sleep So As Not To Get Up With A Rumpled Face: 8 Tips To Help

Video: How To Sleep So As Not To Get Up With A Rumpled Face: 8 Tips To Help
Video: 8 tips to transition your sleep routine into fall 2024, April

Sooner or later, this will happen to you. Waking up one fine morning, you will notice treacherous creases on your face. Do not worry! If you are over 17-20 years old, this is quite understandable and expected. Why this happens, and most importantly - how to get rid of wrinkles on a wrinkled face, Olga Yenko (@enko_ola), an expert in cinematographic taping, natural rejuvenation, author of the book “Face taping. Rejuvenation in a dream. " Why wrinkles appear on the face The first wrinkles can be noticed as early as 18-19 years old. But most do not attach much importance to this, thinking: “Today I look worse than yesterday, but better than the day before yesterday. And tomorrow everything will be fine. " Yes, small wrinkles appear on the skin of the face, and this is due to facial expressions - they can disappear after a few hours. But nature gives such a "bonus" only at a young age. Whereas creases, they are wrinkles and folds, are formed due to muscle dysfunction. Let me explain in more detail: one end of the muscle is attached to the skull (to the bone), and the other is woven into the skin of the face or a nearby muscle. That is why we have facial expressions and we convey emotions with our faces. But with age, muscles become dysfunctional - hypertonicity. Because of this, we see wrinkles on the face: the muscle has clenched, and the skin has gathered. The older we get, the deeper the creases on the skin and the more difficult it is to get rid of them. This process can be compared with the principle of elastic and fabric: the elastic is stretched - the fabric is smooth, the elastic is shrunk - the fabric is knocked down. It's the same with muscles and skin. The muscles of the face should be in normal tone. Then there will be good lymph and blood flow. Accordingly, a beautiful complexion and a dense skin turgor. Morning creases are the result of improper sleep organization. I will give some tips on how to fix the situation. Tip 1: Sleep on your back Those who like to sleep with their face in a pillow or on their side should understand that in this way they only aggravate the situation - lymph outflow is disturbed and lymph flow worsens. And this practically guarantees a dull complexion, as well as a new portion of creases and swelling. With a healthy sleep at night, the processes of rejuvenation of the whole organism are launched. In this sense, sleeping on your back is an effective prevention of facial wrinkles. Sleeping on the side creates deformation not only of the skin and muscles, but also deforms even bones to varying degrees throughout life. I am often asked how to sleep on my back if I have a habit of sleeping on my side. In fact, there is nothing complicated. The first thing to do is find a comfortable position. You don't have to sleep like a soldier waiting for the command "Rise!" It will be easier for you to control your body by placing pillows on all sides. After a while, when it becomes a habit to sleep in this way, you will not need them. The recommendation to sleep on your back does not apply to girls in position! Pregnant women are advised to sleep on their left side or reclining on their back. Tip 2: get an orthopedic pillow and mattress Which ones, you can decide by consulting with a specialist in the store. Typically, customers are allowed to try pillows and mattresses by lying on them for a while. At first, it can be difficult to sleep on unfamiliar surfaces from habit. But this is a matter of a maximum of a week. But such "helpers" will provide a quality long sleep. By the way, beauty pillows are now very popular. They are designed to prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the skin. And all thanks to the fact that they support the neck and head area in a comfortable physiological position (there is a special notch for sleeping on the side, on the back, under the shoulders, there is a cushion to support the neck). Try it, maybe this option will suit you. Pay attention to the pillowcase. It is good if it is made of delicate silk fabric. Drive away from yourself thoughts from the series "I am so uncomfortable." It is not easy to regain youthfulness, and it is impossible to look excellent always, while doing nothing! Advice 3: keep the water balance This advice is pretty boring to everyone. But few have learned that water is what allows the skin to regain its elasticity and fresh complexion, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, helps avoid dryness and removes toxins. The skin is the first to react to the lack of water in the body. During the day, you should drink 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water (tea, coffee, juices and soft drinks are not suitable for restoring water balance). Even if you are satisfied with the quality of your skin at the moment, you should still follow the drinking regimen. It's easy to get used to drinking clean drinking water. Download any "Water Tracker" program - it will help you track whether you are drinking enough. But remember that a couple of hours before bedtime, you should limit your water intake. This will help avoid stress on the kidneys and, as a result, swelling in the morning. Tip 4: humidify the air in the apartment This recommendation is just as important as the advice to drink enough liquid. Not only does dry air in an apartment increase the risk of catching a cold, but also the skin will not thank you for a dry "welcome". The World Health Organization considers the optimal indoor humidity to be 40-60%. If you do not have a humidifier, you can always and everywhere use thermal water, and at home place a wet towel on the battery. Tip 5: Sleep in a cool room It is very important to keep your bedroom at the right temperature. Ideally, if it is not warmer than 18-20 ° C. Remember: too dry and warm air will dry and dehydrate your skin. Tip 6: do not overeat at night Especially do not lean on salty, sweet, drink alcohol and eat dairy products. All this leads to fluid retention in the body and, accordingly, to edema. Tip 7: do not postpone beauty rituals until late in the evening Any care products, be it serums, creams, masks (unless this is a purely nighttime product), should be applied no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, they simply do not have time to be absorbed. So, with a high degree of probability, the next day you will see swelling and creases on your skin. Tip 8: master the basics of kinesio taping With age, removing morning folds, getting rid of deep creases, wrinkles is difficult. Even with careful facial care, the effect of cosmetic procedures gradually diminishes. Therefore, the magnificent actress of the twentieth century Elina Bystritskaya used the technique of rejuvenation using elastic bandaging at night. Fortunately, today there are more pleasant techniques that keep the muscles in the normal tone. Kinesio taping is one of them. Kinesio tape is an elastic tape with an adhesive surface that helps to bring the muscles of the face to normal tone. Everything is very simple: before going to bed, we do a light massage, stick the kinesio tape on our face, remove it in the morning and see the result. Usually, kinesio taping is done in a course - daily for three weeks (the tapes remain on the face for 6-8 hours of sleep). With proper taping, you can get rid of not only creases and edema, but also from deep wrinkles on the face, neck, décolleté, cope with drooping eyelids, forehead wrinkles, flaps, nasolabial folds. Here are some basic rules for using kinesio tapes: Get a quality kinesio tape that is suitable for facial aesthetics. Perform an allergy test on your face before use. Apply applications from a sitting position (it is better to do this in front of a mirror). Apply the application at night after washing. After applying the tapes, apply your usual skin care products. Considering these rules, as well as resting for 8-9 hours, you can prevent the appearance of edema and creases on the face. Photo: Depositphotos; Let's be friends on social networks! Subscribe to us on Facebook, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki!
