12 Stars Whose Appearance Suffered At The Hands Of Surgeons: When "Before" Was Better Than "After"

12 Stars Whose Appearance Suffered At The Hands Of Surgeons: When "Before" Was Better Than "After"
12 Stars Whose Appearance Suffered At The Hands Of Surgeons: When "Before" Was Better Than "After"

Video: 12 Stars Whose Appearance Suffered At The Hands Of Surgeons: When "Before" Was Better Than "After"

Video: 12 Stars Whose Appearance Suffered At The Hands Of Surgeons: When
Video: 20 Scenes Where Actors Weren't Acting 2024, September

Passion for plastic surgery can end in failure. There are many reasons: an illiterate cosmetologist, dubious drugs, non-compliance with cleanliness. Here are 9 stars who ruined their beautiful appearance.


1. Over time, everyone's beloved Mary Poppins became less attractive due to the surplus of Botox and fillers. Now Natalya Andreichenko looks younger than her years, but it is difficult to call such an appearance “perfection itself”. And is it really possible to achieve it?

2. The trendsetter and businesswoman Donatella Versace ruined her natural beauty by enlarging her lips and constantly smoothing the skin of her face. As a result, she looks older than her years, and even "smokey ice" does not save the situation, turning the eyes of a celebrity into two dark spots.

3. Singer Masha Rasputina took up her appearance after the birth of her second daughter. All means were used: rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, lip, cheek and chin correction. As a result, only the dimples on the cheeks remind of the former charm.

4. Elsa Patton could not stop in time and became a victim of plastic surgery in every sense of the word. Journalists claim that the cause of her death is an excessive number of operations. Looking at the photo "after", many people involuntarily ask themselves: was it really worth it?

5. The first experience of transformation, on which the actress Vera Alentova decided in the 90s, she liked, and she continued to experiment. Unfortunately, further work on myself led to disastrous results: scars, facial asymmetry, unnatural facial expressions.

6. Jocelyn Wildenstein did not always look so radical: in her youth she was really sweet and charming. But, having started her project "Catwoman", she could not stop. Here is the result.

7. Model, TV presenter and politician Maria Malinovskaya initially had a striking appearance, but still decided to enlarge her lips and chest. Both experiments did not suit the girl: her breasts were constantly sore and asymmetrical, and her lips acquired an unnatural shape.

8. Italian actress and singer Sidney Rom had a special charm that disappeared after experimenting with her own appearance. Lip augmentation and work on the smoothness of the skin had the exact opposite effect.

9. Yulia Volkova radically changed her appearance: she enlarged her lips, gave Botox injections and put fillers on the cheekbones. Many fans believe that the appearance of the singer from the times of Tatu is much better.

How do you like such transformations?
