In Russia, 152 Universities Completely Switched To Distance Learning Due To Coronavirus

In Russia, 152 Universities Completely Switched To Distance Learning Due To Coronavirus
In Russia, 152 Universities Completely Switched To Distance Learning Due To Coronavirus

Video: In Russia, 152 Universities Completely Switched To Distance Learning Due To Coronavirus

Video: In Russia, 152 Universities Completely Switched To Distance Learning Due To Coronavirus
Video: Campus, scholarships and cheap street food in a Russian university 2024, September

In Russia, 152 higher educational institutions have completely switched to distance learning. This was stated by the Minister of Science and Higher Education Valery Falkov on the air of "Russia 1". He noted that in student dormitories, the situation in connection with the spread of the new coronavirus infection is not the most prosperous, but manageable.

«In general, we have 1278 universities and branches. To date, 152 universities have completely switched to a remote learning format. The situation is not easy <…> we individually, practically, with the university consider the situation, since in the regions it is different», - said Falkov.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science noted that almost all universities use a blended learning format, when students partially attend classes in the buildings of the university.

“There are universities, almost all of them, where the teaching format is mixed, when students partly attend classes, that is, they go to the university, maybe this is quite a bit, but nevertheless, laboratory classes in natural sciences, physics, biology, chemistry, subject to special precautions , - declared Falkov.

The minister stressed that in the hostels, the situation related to the coronavirus is not safe, but manageable. In buildings, special places are allocated for quarantine.

«We have almost 900 thousand places in our hostels, and several tens of thousands of places are specially reserved for observation. There are more than 20 thousand of them. <…> They are practically not employed, more than 80 percent of them are still idle with us, in the good sense of the word.», - added the Minister of Science and Higher Education.

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Valery Falkov said that universities will switch to a remote mode of operation, based on the epidemiological situation in the region.

“Rospotrebnadzor has carried out a complete check of the implementation of the sanitary rules of Moscow universities. As for the regions, it all depends on the epidemiological situation. There are universities where the situation is fairly stable. There are even such examples that since the beginning of the school year there is not a single sick student in the hostel. This, of course, is rather an exception to the rule, but there are such universities , - said the minister in an interview with the Vesti program.

On October 14, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that Moscow schoolchildren in grades 6-11 will stay at home and study remotely until November 1. As the mayor noted, this is necessary in connection with the surge in the incidence of coronavirus. On October 28, distance learning for students in grades 6-11 was extended until November 8.
