What Happens To Your Face If You Don't Moisturize It

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What Happens To Your Face If You Don't Moisturize It
What Happens To Your Face If You Don't Moisturize It

You don't dream of wrinkles, do you? Here are a few more reasons why you shouldn't neglect your moisturizer.


Your wrinkles can get deeper with age, and it will happen prematurely

Dermatologist Whitney Bowe explains why: “What is commonly called dry skin actually means a violation of the skin's protective barriers and sluggish inflammation. If you do not provide these areas with sufficient moisture, you make it difficult to access these areas of nutrition from within the body and. The cells weaken and the inflammation becomes chronic. Collagen eventually breaks down and the skin sags, aging prematurely."

Why moisturizing? Everything is very simple. All substances in our body are carried by fluids. Dryness of any area means difficulty in movement. As if the expressway had been dug in half and its capacity had been reduced.

Have you ever swore at road workers, idle because of them in a traffic jam? That's about the same thing your body thinks about you at such moments.

Those wrinkles that are already there become more noticeable

Dehydrated skin is noticeably thinner than normal, so wrinkles on it are more conspicuous. Want to reduce them? Dr. Bow recommends hyaluronic acid moisturizers. It should be remembered that the effect of creams will be much less noticeable than from injections of hyaluronic acid.

Your face will peel off in the cold

In cold weather, the humidity in the air drops, the skin dries up and the skin's defenses weaken. Any minor skin irritation can cause inflammation and flaking.

Acne gets bigger

This may seem counterintuitive at first, but hydrating your skin is actually important if you have acne. They arise for 3 reasons: increased skin greasiness, coarsening of the outer layer of the skin and clogged pores, and inflammation. In all these cases, you need to moisturize your skin, but you need to do this with creams that do not contain oils, so as not to aggravate the problem. And yes, hydration should be combined with the treatment prescribed by your dermatologist.

You lose the protective properties of your skin

Many of the effective treatments for skin problems, such as retinoids, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide, dry out the skin. If you do not alternate the application of these substances with moisturizing, you run the risk of irritation and flaking of the skin. As Dr. Bowe says, “It often happens that people use strong skin medications and get these side effects as a result. And it was only worth observing a simple alternation."

Your makeup will look worse

The foundation, getting into the finest wrinkles on the skin, will emphasize them. Just apply a moisturizer and let it soak for 5-7 minutes before moving on to your daily makeup.

Your skin will itch throughout the day

We all live and work in rooms with dry air conditioning and air heating. And if you might not care how you look, then you probably don't care how you feel. Moisturize your face in the morning and see the difference compared to your usual sensations.
