Malysheva Exposed Popular Beauty Gadgets

Malysheva Exposed Popular Beauty Gadgets
Malysheva Exposed Popular Beauty Gadgets

Video: Malysheva Exposed Popular Beauty Gadgets

Video: Malysheva Exposed Popular Beauty Gadgets

TV presenter Elena Malysheva on the air of the program "Life is great!" exposed dangerous cosmetic devices popular among Russian women. A fragment of the broadcast is available on the website of Channel One.

The TV doctor said that such "beauty gadgets" can be purchased on the Internet. The first device, shown in the studio, was designed to remove the so-called puppet wrinkles - folds on the sides from the lips to the chin. To do this, the girl should compress her lips, holding a special plastic spacer over her mouth.

“But what are we going to train here? We will train mimic muscles,”explained doctor Dmitry Shubin. "And the circular muscle of the mouth",

- added Malysheva.

The presenters said that such a gadget would not bring any benefit, it is especially meaningless in the fight against sagging skin.

Further, the studio demonstrated a pump aimed at increasing breast volume. The presenters noticed that the same device is often used for the buttocks. Herman Gandelman and Malysheva noticed that due to edema and hematomas, the breast, of course, will increase, but after a while everything will return to its usual size.

At the end of the program, the model showed the action of the apparatus for changing the shape of the nose. Co-host Andrei Prodeus noted that such a gadget can even be dangerous, as it physically affects the mucous membrane and nasal septum. Small vibrations can cause inflammation and will definitely not help straighten the septum.
