Health And Beauty: Diseases That Prevent You From Looking Great

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Health And Beauty: Diseases That Prevent You From Looking Great
Health And Beauty: Diseases That Prevent You From Looking Great

Video: Health And Beauty: Diseases That Prevent You From Looking Great

Video: Health And Beauty: Diseases That Prevent You From Looking Great
Video: Enjoy Your Day with Vieny Beauty #21 2024, April

We were helped by:

specialists of the medical center "Atlas"

Yuri Poteshkin, Ph. D., endocrinologist

Inna Kondrashova, Ph. D., obstetrician-gynecologist

Olga Aleksandrova, physician of the highest category

We all seem to be aware that internal complications can be behind external changes, but for some reason at the right moment this does not come to mind. I know how difficult it is for girls with hormonal problems to lose weight. We often discuss this with our friends, remember the cases of fat shaming. “In order to lose weight, I need to be on a tougher diet than everyone else,” says one of them. "And the thin celery munching people look and think that at night I eat pizza with salami." In fairness, my friend herself did not suspect her illnesses for a long time either.

So, once again: sometimes illnesses prevent us from looking great. How to find them - we learned from the doctors.


One of the most common diseases of the endocrine system, in which the production of thyroid hormones decreases. Occurs in 4-6% of the population.

UNBEAUTIFUL CONSEQUENCES The skin often dries up, flakes, becomes "icteric" and becomes covered with spots. Hair may fall out. Some ladies put on weight. With hypothyroidism, the metabolic rate decreases, which leads to an imbalance of substances in the body: the mass of fat increases, and the tissues of the skin, hair and nails do not receive enough vitamins and microelements.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM The main risk factors are frequent sore throats and viral diseases. The fact is that the cells of the thyroid gland are very different from the rest, therefore nature has surrounded this organ with a special barrier membrane: normally, for example, immune cells do not penetrate there and even "do not see" it. But the insidious virus is able to crawl everywhere. And if it leaks and causes severe inflammation, the protective barrier may be damaged. Then the immune cells penetrate the thyroid gland and begin a destructive process - because they mistake its inhabitants for dangerous strangers. This is how the function of the organ is disrupted.

Another danger is streptococcal infection: it secretes a protein very similar to the thyroid enzyme thyroid peroxidase. When a person overcomes the infection, his immune system begins to produce antibodies to this protein, which also fight the enzyme. Therefore, if there are gaps in the barrier, immunity works against you again.

There is no effective prevention, but, fortunately, hypothyroidism is easy to treat - thyroxine hormone replacement therapy. The condition improves significantly within a month, the skin regains a healthy appearance in a few weeks.


This attack is the opposite of hypothyroidism: the thyroid gland works in two shifts. What can lead to thyrotoxicosis - when the body is literally poisoned by hormones.

UNBEAUTIFUL CONSEQUENCES Metabolism is accelerated - you lose more energy than you get - the body is deprived of many substances necessary for normal functioning. The skin dries up, hair falls out, nails break, weight goes away rapidly.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM Several diseases lead to thyrotoxicosis, most often Graves 'disease (aka Graves' disease) and nodular toxic goiter. The first can be provoked by excessive use of iodine - more than 1000 micrograms per day. The nodes appear against the background of iodine deficiency and arbitrarily begin to produce excess hormones.

First, doctors try to treat all this beauty with medication. If it does not help, the thyroid gland is cut out or removed with radioactive iodine: the patient drinks a certain dose of the substance, and it destroys the gland from the inside without affecting other organs and systems.

Cushing's syndrome (hypercortisolism syndrome)

Under this name, they unite a group of conditions in which an excess amount of cortisol is released in the body. Which leads to serious disorders of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

UNBEAUTIFUL CONSEQUENCES Appetite rises, and if you do not control the portions, you yourself understand how it will end. Adipose tissue is redistributed in the body according to the central type: on the neck, face and body.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM Although the syndrome is more common in women, the risk of getting sick is very low and the factors are not fully understood. In most cases, the problems causing Cushing are so serious that they require surgery. After recovery, it takes 3-6 months to restore the appearance.

Ovarian dysfunction

This term is understood as various conditions in which the normal functioning of the organ is disrupted.

UNBEAUTIFUL CONSEQUENCES Since the problem is invariably accompanied by hormonal imbalance, which strongly affects the metabolism, the appearance can deteriorate dramatically: swelling, bags under the eyes, acne appear. The hair on the head becomes less, but in other places - more. And the weight grows treacherously.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM Among the causes of dysfunction - tumors of the ovary and uterus, congenital pathologies, trauma, inflammatory diseases - just do not list. So, if the changes in appearance described above are accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle, urgently go to the obstetrician-gynecologist in order to exclude dangerous diseases or diagnose them in time. It is to a doctor, and not to a beautician or masseur: procedures aimed at improving appearance can accelerate the development of an ailment due to heat exposure.


There are different types, but they are united by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

UNBEAUTIFUL CONSEQUENCES Pallor, which does not disappear even during sports activities, is worse than that, increases. Someone is even less lucky - the face takes on a yellowish tint. Plus, the conjunctiva "fades", which is bright pink in a normal state.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM Hemoglobin is known to provide oxygen delivery to tissues. If it is not enough, the latter "starve" - hence the unhealthy complexion. Anemia can occur due to iron deficiency in the body, due to constant blood loss. For example, with hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, gynecological diseases. If you decide to skip meat, talk to your dietitian about iron in your diet. It is highly likely that you will have to take the appropriate medications.

Arterial hypertension

Persistent increase in blood pressure.

UNBEAUTIFUL CONSEQUENCES Redness that does not leave the face is due to increased blood flow to the head.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM There are a lot of risk factors - stress, unhealthy lifestyle, diseases of various organs and systems. Alas, according to the WHO, Russia is one of the most disadvantaged countries in terms of the prevalence of the disease: 30-40% of the population suffers from high blood pressure. Treatment is medication, and prevention is healthy lifestyle and body weight control.

Kidney disease

Let's save you from transfers, concentrate on the organ.

UNBEAUTIFUL CONSEQUENCES Circles and bags under the eyes - especially in the morning.

THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM Actually, the fact that, for various reasons, renal function is impaired. The list of risk factors is extensive: frequent viral infections, insufficient physical activity, unhealthy diet, poor water quality - don't save on it! And drink 30-40 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.


Given: you suddenly and dramatically gain weight, but the lifestyle has not changed.

1. Do not rush to go on a diet: poor nutrition can harm yourself even more. Go see a therapist instead. He should ask you about lifestyle, eating habits, sports, bothersome symptoms, comorbidities, and the health of relatives.

2. Take a blood test for thyroid hormones and sex hormones, as well as for indicators of carbohydrate metabolism - usually they are prescribed by the doctor. Plus sends for ultrasound of the thyroid gland, abdominal cavity and pelvic organs.

3. Based on the results of the examinations, you will be referred to a specialized specialist: a gynecologist, endocrinologist or someone else. If no somatic problems are found, visit a psychologist.
