Makeup Artist Zakhar Grinov: "Business Style Can Be Graceful"

Makeup Artist Zakhar Grinov: "Business Style Can Be Graceful"
Makeup Artist Zakhar Grinov: "Business Style Can Be Graceful"

Video: Makeup Artist Zakhar Grinov: "Business Style Can Be Graceful"

Video: Makeup Artist Zakhar Grinov:
Video: 12 Rules of Elegant Style According to Miranda Kerr 2024, September

When it comes to a business woman, black or gray formal suits, snow-white shirts and, of course, glasses, which must certainly be in dark frames, appear before your eyes. A bit depressing, don't you think? According to the fashionable Russian stylist and make-up artist Zakhar Grinov: "A woman's business style can be elegant." Let's try to figure it out. - Zakhar, many girls, women, ladies, unfortunately, have a dull business style. Like, everything is too strict, buttoned and dreary. Now, if "lively" - If "lively", then, of course, good! This is what the charming secretary said to her boss from the wonderful film "Office Romance". But seriously, it's almost March 8! Dear, beloved girls, women, ladies! I sincerely congratulate you on the Spring holiday! You are beautiful! Trust the man. I present this bouquet to all readers of "AN"! - Zakhar, but let's return to the business style of our ladies. How can you look graceful? You said so yourself! - Let's start with makeup! Of course, we must remember that working makeup should emphasize a business spirit, but the main function of any makeup is to hide flaws and emphasize advantages. But this does not mean that a woman's face should have an overabundance of cosmetics and the entire palette of colors. No! Business makeup involves certain color restrictions: you should give preference to muted, neutral tones. I would recommend beige, gray, perhaps a little black, to emphasize, for example, the eyes and give the image austerity. Blush! They must be mandatory and match your color type. But only in moderation! If you overdid it with blush, you can become, my dears, a matryoshka. - And, for example, is it acceptable for eyeliner? - Of course! Liquid eyeliner will add expressiveness to your eyes, and mascara will draw attention to them. And this is absolutely necessary when, for example, negotiations are underway. People look into each other's eyes. And one more accent - lipstick! I would admit light tones and even a colorless balm. There should be nude shades, but if a business meeting has smoothly "passed" into a business dinner, then I would recommend brighter lip colors. - Red? - Why not? It's already evening, dim lights, for example, in a restaurant, and negotiations are going on. If the dress code allows, then the lipstick must certainly be red! - Zakhar, do you like the business style of women? - Of course! I work with actresses who prefer a business style. One of my favorite clients, I would already say that a friend, Yulia Galkina. An amazingly beautiful woman who was simply "born" in a business style. Yes, it suits her. - Zakhar, you recently talked about the style of the Baltic men, but is there a woman politician in Latvia who has attracted your attention? - There is. I watched a lot of Western, Baltic women And my attention was attracted by the politician Zhanna Kulakova - She is the ex-mayor of Daugavpils, a psychologist. - She stands out among your business women. Absolutely charming, stylish, bold. Loves to wear blouses with ruffles - boldly! And I was amazed and delighted with her pink suit! Boldly, boldly, boldly. I saw that Jeanne focuses on the lips: lipstick in restrained tones, but with slight color nuances, for example, pink as the main color. And it suits her very well. And the hairstyle! It's just a delight! In the style of "Babette". I would rate her image as business-like and graceful. Definitely. - Is business style suitable for all women? - A little black dress suits all women! Everyone! You need to be able to “wear” a business image. A woman should feel comfortable. However, nothing is impossible for our women! - Thank you.
