Cosmetologists Told What Destroys Beauty

Cosmetologists Told What Destroys Beauty
Cosmetologists Told What Destroys Beauty

Video: Cosmetologists Told What Destroys Beauty

Video: Cosmetologists Told What Destroys Beauty

Undoubtedly, the worst enemy of beauty is stress. Obviously, it is reflected in the skin and overall appearance. The hormone adrenaline, which is released during nervous breakdowns, weakens the body's resistance.


As a result, oily skin becomes even more greasy due to intensive work, while dry, sensitive skin is exposed to intense rashes, allergic reactions, and peeling. How can you help your body in this situation? First of all, you need to consider your daily routine (sleep, contrast showers, walks in the fresh air) and attitude towards life. Try to pay less attention to insignificant troubles, do not turn your whole existence into a struggle and a race. Enjoy life, find more pleasant little things and enjoy them from the heart.

The second place in the camp of enemies is given to tobacco. A woman who has smoked for many years is always distinguished by yellow teeth, dull, earthy skin, and a cobweb of wrinkles around the eyes.

Scientists easily explain this by the fact that under the influence of nicotine, vasoconstriction occurs. They can no longer fully deliver nutrients to the skin, enrich its cells with oxygen. On the contrary, they are saturated with the poison of carbon monoxide, the renewal of skin cells slows down and is carried out with great difficulty. The skin has an unpleasant shade, its elasticity decreases. “Can't nothing help? "- will throw up the hands of a smoker. There is still a way to "soften" the consequences of an unpleasant habit. It consists in the regular intake of vitamin C.

The third insidious enemy of beauty is fat. No matter how much we love chocolate, this product with a lot of fat and sugar is also not harmless. An excess of body fat is reflected on the face in the form of acne and other rashes. If you really want to pamper yourself, then you should not choose chocolate-based desserts. Better buy sweet fruits (fresh or dried) - they are just useful. It is generally quite difficult for our body to digest fatty foods, so try to forget about pork chops, smoked delicacies and other fat-containing dishes.

Cereals, fruits with vegetables and lean protein products are our friends and assistants in preserving and increasing beauty. Previously, it was said that cold water can be hazardous to human health.
