Lilith Is Adam's First Wife

Lilith Is Adam's First Wife
Lilith Is Adam's First Wife

Video: Lilith Is Adam's First Wife

Video: Lilith Is Adam's First Wife
Video: Lilith: The First Wife of Adam - Angels and Demons - See U in History 2024, April

Finding ends in mythology and human history is quite difficult, especially if these events took place hundreds of thousands of years ago - during the time of the first man and the first woman. The Bible and many other religious sources tell us about Adam and Eve, who was created from his rib, but in a number of other ancient manuscripts a completely different woman is mentioned, namely Lilith. She could not only be the wife of Adam, but also decided to make an escape from Paradise Eden.

Recently, mythology and legends have become incredibly popular. Films are made on them, computer games are developed and interesting books are written. As for Lilith, her image has also become very popular. As an example, we can cite the TV series "supernatural", which perfectly reveals the image of the devil Lilith, her character and deeds that are not pleasing to the Creator. Lilith is considered a demoness in Jewish mythology, while the Kabbalistic theory says that she is the first wife of Adam. The story of Lilith and Adam was forgotten in the New and Old Testaments. Initially, Adam's first wife was mentioned in the Talmud.

According to legend, after parting with her husband, the first woman became an evil demoness who kills small children. In general, the word "lilith" has the meaning of night ghost. According to the mythology of Mesopotamia, Lilith is not one devil, but all the creatures of the night who torture and kill babies. They also torture sleeping men. The Dead Sea Scrolls say that the demoness harms women in labor and newborns, as well as tempts and mocks men. Any myths and legends can mention both fictional events and real ones, but getting to the bottom of the truth is extremely difficult, given the importance of a religious topic for believers who tend to believe more of the Bible than other sources, albeit ancient. In this article we will try to understand a very complex issue, although we still do not have an evidence base. So could the first woman not be Eve, but Lilith? And if so, why did she run away from paradise, becoming the ruler of demons and the beloved of Lucifer? First of all, Lilith is mentioned not only in the early apocrypha, which are not included in the Christian canon, but also in the cabalistic system, the Apocrypha were previously considered also sacred springs. But despite all their holiness, we can safely say that these texts are forbidden and undesirable for modern Christianity, therefore they are hidden and any mention of them causes unpleasant sensations among the representatives of the church. The apocrypha contains a hidden and secret text that can shed on a completely different story about Adam, Lilith, Eve and God, so some of them were destroyed, while the other was carefully hidden. Relationship with Lucifer The same cabalistic theory actively promotes the ideas of the marriage of Lilith and Lucifer. Moreover, it is customary to believe that Lilith is the very first demoness among all in the underworld. As a matter of fact, one can hardly expect loyalty to a spouse from a female demon, and therefore Lilith cheats on the lord of the underworld not only with other demons, but also seduces angels and even mere mortals, constantly changing their guises. Nevertheless, Satan and the first woman have much more in common than it might seem at first glance. First of all, both of them were cursed for their vanity, for their pride. Although, by and large, at the same time they tried to defend their right to equality. The fruits of their love are numerous creatures that inhabit hell. Only one thing is invariable - the sexuality and external attractiveness of this devil and her craving for not really depend on anyone. Another theory is that Lilith was nicknamed the first female vampire. Literally, she, like Cain, was cursed in eternity, which means that she was doomed to constant, endless suffering, which does not have a limiter in the form of death. When they conduct the rite of summoning Lilith, they periodically refer to her as a vampire entity that can destroy another person. However, such a ritual incurs a curse on the summoner himself. But the most common reason for Lilith is to increase her attractiveness, her natural magnetism, to become sexier. Usually girls call Lilith for this purpose. Having received approval from the demoness, the girl multiplies her sexuality and is able to lure absolutely any chosen one into her nets. In return, Lilith demands only what she was called for - lust and lust, which she feeds on. Why did they forget about Lilith? In the Bible, Adam's first wife is not Lilith at all, but Eve. Researchers have long wondered who the first woman is: Lilith or Eve. The Old Testament mentions that God created a man and a woman at once. The first woman was Lilith. It was forgotten due to the change in ideology. There is practically no mention of Lilith in the Bible. In other sacred books, it is mentioned as a night sign. Lilith became a nocturnal creature only after a quarrel and divorce from Adam. In modern religions, only one of the directions of Judaism recognizes the demoness. After the departure of the first wife from Adam, God immersed the man in a deep sleep, removed a rib from his chest, and Eve was created from this rib. Linguists argue that the appearance of Lilith is not accidental, because if you study the Sumerian language, you can find in it the similarities of her name with the words "ghost, air." The myth of Lilith is perhaps considered the first myth created by man. Why did there be a quarrel between Adam and Lilith? Adam wanted his wife to listen to him and do what he said, but Lilith was against it, because they were created together, which means they have equal rights. Both Lilith and Adam have earthly origins. They are created from the earth, therefore, in origin, none of them can be superior to the other. The first woman made the decision to leave Adam, proposing to God to create a new wife for Adam. God created Eve from Adam's rib, she became the obedient wife of the first man, their marriage was a little happier. However, Lilith did not like the fact that Eve and Adam did better, so she decided to turn their marriage into hell. It was then that the image of Lilith was formed as a snake. The further fate of Adam and Eve is known, they had to part for a long time after the Fall, but later they reunited, but how the life of Lilith developed is much more interesting. She became the ghost of the night who tempted single men while they slept. From the bond of a demoness and a human man, half-human-half-demon can be born. Succubi, who are considered demon seducers, descended from Lilith. In the Talmud, she appears precisely not in the form of an insidious snake, but in the role of a temptress. She looks like a human, and her face is human, and her hair is long. But the only thing that distinguishes it from a person is its large wings. Now succubus, whose progenitor was Lilith, are popular in modern mythology, and they are also made heroes of modern literature and computer games. If you believe the kabbalistic theory, it is generally accepted that the demoness is the ruler of the underworld on a par with Satan himself. Discontent with the religion of Lilith was explained by the fact that in the Middle Ages, and even later, it was impossible to even think about equality between a man and a woman, but now with the advent of equality of the sexes, it has become more and more popular. Jewish tradition In the Talmud, Lilith appears in the form of a human-like devil who seduces males, influencing their minds and imaginations. She is often called the mother of universal evil in world mythology. There is even a myth that she arranged wild dances in front of King Solomon. The story of the first man and mother of demons (Lilith) does not end with their divorce. After the Fall, Adam did not see Eve for about one hundred and thirty years, and it was then that he again met his first wife, from the connection with whom the lilin demons were born. One of the interesting versions says that Lilith decided to become the wife of Satan, since their views on the world order coincided. They happily shared or are still sharing power in hell. After she left Adam, three angels were sent in pursuit of her. The angels overtook Lilith, but she refused to be with Adam again, so the messengers decided to punish her. However, the formulation of punishment in different mythologies sounds different: According to one of the versions, one hundred babies of Lilith will die every night; According to the other, Lilith will give birth to demons forever; According to the third, she will become sterile. Lilith told the angels that God sent her to earth to kill babies, but she is ready to save the lives of those children who will have an amulet with her name. Kabbalistic tradition In Kabbalah, Adam's wife after divorcing the first person. became the chosen one of Samael, from the connection with whom a blind dragon was born, from whose eggs lilins hatched. Their entire body, except for the head, was covered with dark hair. However, the version has changed over time. By the Middle Ages, in Kabbalah there was a myth that Lilith was not a snake at all, but the spirit of the night. Sometimes the demoness became an angel who gave life to children, but most of the time she annoyed wanderers in the night and sleeping people. The people represented her as a tall and thin woman with long black hair. Its peculiarity was that she was silent all the time. Modern Satanism Modern Satanists often summon Lilith, conducting special rituals, but this is a complex process that it is better not to do on your own. However, if you call Lilith, then it must be done carefully. You should put a candle between yourself and the mirror and call Lilith. She will come at night, but you need to be prepared for the fact that she paralyzes a person. It is worth remembering that before calling, you need to adhere to the fast, that is, you should not overeat. Lilith is not only the wife of Satan, but also the embodiment of all Black Goddesses. She is also referred to as the highest devils. She is also called the mother of Life and Death. Intrigues of Lilith Another interesting hypothesis was expressed by the poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Her peppercorn was that it was Lilith, and not the devil himself, who tempted Eve. Do you remember that Lilith is often depicted as a snake? It was in this guise that she met Eve at the Tree of Knowledge. It is believed that it was because of the influence of Lilith, who persuaded Eve to conceive a child, that Cain became a fratricide. In general, the assumption is quite foldable. But what caused the discrepancies in the appearance of Lilith? How did she go from being a snake to a ghost wandering at night? Oddly enough, the explanation for this is much simpler and does not carry any conspiracy theories. Due to the consonance of the words "Lilith" and "Layil" (which in translation means "night"), native speakers have a firm association with the spirit of the night. In general, the image of Lilith is ambiguous. She is at the same time the mother of all that exists, since it is she who blesses the process of conception. But at the same time, she is a terrible nightmare that finds lost travelers and deals with them in the most sophisticated ways. The key description of the figure of Lilith is the alphabet of Ben Sira. The collection consists of quotes and aphorisms, part of which is written in Armenian and part in Hebrew. We are interested in the following in this source: it is here that the fact of Lilith's betrayal of Adam is described. God, as we already know, created Lilith and Adam at the same time from the dust, so that they were equal. But as soon as he created them, a quarrel ensued between them. Lilith argued that she would not obey a man, would enter into a relationship with Adam, “would not fall under him,” because they should be equal. Adam, on the contrary, insisted that he should be taller than her. Unable to bear it, Lilith flew away into the darkness, and Adam called for help to God, saying that the woman had left him. After that, the Lord sent three angels for Lilith, but, as we already know, she refused to return, dooming herself to a curse. First of all, this woman wanted to be independent. She even agreed to exterminate babies for the rest of the time (on the eighth day - the boys whom she will catch, and on the twentieth day - the girls). The alphabet is not considered official sources for obvious reasons. The fact is that the book is largely sarcastic and even blasphemous, it can offend the feelings of believers, and therefore in the Orthodox canons there was no question of making it a source of sacred truths. And the very fact of having a first wife with Adam is diligently denied. There is only Eve - and only she. And Lilith was originally and remains a demon-snake. The woman-rebelliousness is alien to the ideals of the Christian meek religion, and then the name of Lilith was erased from the pages of Holy Scripture. Eve is a completely different question: obedient, modest, timid and constantly submissive to Adam. The only stumbling block in this theory is the very process of the Fall, during which it was Eve who lured Adam to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Another interesting point to pay attention to concerns amulets-amulets. It is believed that if a child wears this amulet from birth, Lilith will never encroach on it. What is this sacred sign? In the Jewish faith, the amulet depicts the very three angels whom God sent to return the escaped Lilith. Another point of view says that Lilith herself is inscribed on the amulet. One way or another, the approximate date of manufacture of such amulets is estimated by historians as the eighth century BC. This happened much earlier than the Ben Sira Alphabet was compiled. The very first amulets found depicts a palm with sacred letters inscribed on it. Apparently, it was they who protected the child from the evil demoness, but, as expected, they feared the coming of Lilith most of all and tried to protect themselves from her in every way in the Middle Ages. Then in the Jewish people the belief was strengthened that Lilith seduces and kills young men who are just entering puberty. The Jews said that she appeared to the boys in the most seductive way, and it was simply impossible to resist her spell. To protect children from her evil influence, they could not be left to sleep alone. Another image of Lilith is an owl or other predatory nocturnal bird. It is not directly stated anywhere that this is the appearance chosen by the demoness, but, nevertheless, in rare versions of the Holy Scriptures one can find scant mentions of a certain spirit or ghost-bird that terrifies all things. Lilith sunk into the souls of many creative people. For example, it can be seen on the pages of Goethe's "Faust", because it is about her that Mephistopheles mentions.
