You Can't Look Without Tears: The Ugliest Women On The Planet

You Can't Look Without Tears: The Ugliest Women On The Planet
You Can't Look Without Tears: The Ugliest Women On The Planet

Video: You Can't Look Without Tears: The Ugliest Women On The Planet

Video: You Can't Look Without Tears: The Ugliest Women On The Planet
Video: $UICIDEBOY$ - Ugliest (Lyric Video) 2024, June

The most resourceful ones become stars, managing to monetize their physiological characteristics. Who are they - the scariest women on the planet? See our selection. Joan Van Ark Now it's hard to believe, but in the 1980s this actress was one of the most important beauties in Hollywood. However, age and unsuccessful plastic surgeries did their job, and inappropriate makeup only worsened the situation.


Torrie Spelling In the 90s, Torrie starred in the popular teen television series Beverly Hills 90210. However, nothing lasts forever - low-quality plastic and years have transferred the former beauty into the category of the most unattractive women in the world.

Elaine Davidson Unusual people are not uncommon among women. Elaine Davidson decided to decorate her body with 7000 earrings that weigh more than 3 kg in total. The lady lives in Edinburgh and serves as one of the local attractions. An unusual appearance would allow her to star in a horror movie without makeup, but the woman leads a measured lifestyle. She is married, does not drink and is a professional wrestler.

Melanie Gaidos This unusual girl suffers from the genetic disease "ectodermal dysplasia", which prevents the development of teeth, nails, cartilage, hair and bones. Despite her unusual and frightening appearance, Melanie became a famous model, finding photographers who shoot unique girls.

Whoopi Goldberg The world's second African-American woman to win an Oscar for her acting is not particularly beautiful. Viewers compare the actress's hairstyle with the invasion of tarantulas, but this does not prevent the woman from remaining charming.

Julia Gnuse Julia was an ordinary girl until the age of 35, until she began to develop a rare disease of porphyria. With this disease, the skin becomes sensitive and scars form on it. To hide the scars, the woman decided to get tattoos, which today cover 95% of her face and body. Thanks to the tattoo, the lady became famous as the "Painted Lady", who spent $ 80,000 on tattoos.

Maria Cristerna Dama, who became known as the "vampire woman", will frighten even the most daring. The girl was motivated by an unsuccessful marriage to grow fangs, metal implants "horns" and "hammer" the whole body with tattoos.

Gianni Versace Fashion designer has become frighteningly ugly after a dozen unsuccessful plastic surgeries. In this case, the proverb would be great - "The best is the enemy of the good."

Jocelyn Wildenstein Millionaire Jocelyn Wildenstein was, if not a beauty, then an ordinary pretty woman. However, the pursuit of beauty turned her into a frighteningly ugly lady. Outwardly, Jocelyn resembles a lioness or a cat. Due to this similarity, she became widely known as "Catwoman". It is known that the billionaire has already spent almost $ 4 million for all her plastic operations.

Elizabeth Velazquez, a 30-year-old American woman, is perhaps the most feared woman on the planet. The woman suffers from Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome, a genetic disorder that prevents the body from storing fat, so the woman weighs 29 kg.

In the world, besides her, only two people suffer from such a rare disease. Despite her looks and ridicule, Elizabeth Velazquez has become a popular motivational trainer and speaker, as well as a book author.

Obviously, even the most unattractive women can become rich and famous by delighting and motivating hundreds of thousands of people with the power of their spirit. Perhaps, instead of wasting time dissatisfied with yourself, it is better to appreciate what nature has given you and enjoy every day.
